Friday, 17 April 2020

The lockdown low down

The lockdown low down

The world has changed much globally and for me professionally since our last DFI session. Jettisoned from level 3 into level 4, then ' holidays, then online learning. I left school in the last week of term with a class site that had been made for me by our deputy principal. Aside from my dablings at DFI I had little knowledge or know how of what and how to manage a site. Thanks to help from my family, tutors, sharing online and the simple need to 'just do it' I know a whole lot more now. I have gained in confidence and skill, but still learning. I also have more skills and confidence to manage meeting up with my class at our daily 9.45 Hangout. It has been a rewarding and precious time to connect with them all through the site and the Hangout...or is it a meet..I am still not really sure what you call it!

  • What did I learn that increased my understanding of Manaiakalani kaupapa and pedagogy?

One of the four principles that Manaiakalani hangs it's goals on is to be connected. Face to face connection is very important nonetheless. Hence photos on sites get an instant hit.
What resonated with me was the example given of going to a BBQ and attempting to make small talk and getting little response back. The importance of sharing, you have to share of yourself to make a connection. Which in turn means making yourself vulnerable. To go on from this Dorothy spoke of schools that did not want to join the programme as they felt it would expose low attainment/poor spelling etc. Part of being able to connect is being able to share.

  • What did I learn that could be used with my learners?  
It was more that I reflected on my site. How functional and appealing was it? How much did my site provide opportunities to be creative? I felt reasonably confident that my class site is appealing and functional but there is always room for improvement. I took note of Gerhards point regarding having the teacher visible as some families may not have the opportunity to come into school and personally meet up. I pondered how to archive old content...I was wondering what to do with yesterday's photos, yesterday's prayer. 

  • What did I learn that could improve my confidence, capability or workflow in my professional/personal life?

Having the time to practice and have a facilitator available was great. Right in time learning? Now that I know a bit more I know what to ask! How to do and add an audio and video...and what I can do with 'old stuff'.

At the end of a day distance learning the firewood has arrived...


  1. Kia ora Sarah,
    Good to read you are growing in confidence and skills with your Class Site. Nothing quite like 'just have to do it' for motivation.
    I see you have made good progress on your class site. I like the way you have left the link to the week 1 slides on the site. A small change would be
    to reverse the order so that the latest link is always at the top, i.e. next week it would be week 3 slides at the top, then week 2 below then week 1 below that.

    Nice to have something as ordinary as the firewood arriving.
    Ngā mihi,

  2. Kia ora Sarah,
    Wow! You have done so much learning in such a short time! Did you ever imagine at the start of this year when we started our work together that you would be managing Google Meets with 20 learners daily? I love seeing how you have grabbed this new normal and get stuck into delivering leanring for your students. Your back-up crew at home have done a great job supporting you - and you have done a sterling job in taking up challenge! Good on you!
    Keep going! You are making amazing progress and ensuring that your learners are connected to you.
    Mā te wā

    1. Kia ora Cheryl,
      I would not ever have imagined managing Google Meets every day as I would have had no idea of what a Google Meet was! But with the support of my family back up crew and yourself I am underway. It remains to embed the new 'know how' and add to it...I do find 'tech words' are more a part of my everyday vocabulary now. I wonder what that means...
